Sunday, August 30, 2015

How'd I do?

Just like I said I would, I kept my reading goals poster on my fridge all summer.  Every chance I got, I tried to read.  My goal was 20 books and.... I didn't quite make it.  However, I am incredibly proud that I am currently reading my 20th book! Nineteen books in one summer is definitely the most I've ever read.  

Today I started reading Guys Read: Other Worlds which was edited by Jon Scieszka.  It is a collection of short stories that are all either fantasy or science fiction.  It has stories by some authors I've heard of (Rick Riordan, Tom Angleberger) and lots that I haven't. I'm hoping that they might become new favorite authors!  

I can't wait to see all the readers at the South and find out how their summer reading goals turned out.  But in the end, it's not about whether or not you hit a goal, it's about loving books and reading all you can!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Almost There!

I can't believe it!  School starts on Monday and I am only 3 books  away from my summer reading goal!  I've read 17 books this summer.
I think reading about this little lady was just the right inspiration I needed!  I can totally read 3 more books in 5 more days, or at least I'm going to do my very best!  Wish me luck!

Monday, August 24, 2015

It's Monday! What are you reading?

Well, it's the last Monday of summer vacation.  The teachers have work days on Thursday and Friday and then the kids return to school next Monday!  And, just like the kids, I am trying to squeeze as much summer into this final week as possible, and for me, that means as much reading as possible!

What I'm reading today involves a little bit of a confession: I've never read Matilda the whole way through!  I've read the first few chapters, and I watch the movie any time I find it on TV, but I've never read the whole book.  I was down in my basement a few days ago trying to find books that will fulfill the remaining categories of the 2015 challenge I'm working on.  One of those is "a book that was turned into a movie."  This category has so many options, and I had picked up a few possibilities (Mary Poppins was a strong contender) and then I found my sad, beat up copy of Matilda.  The poor book doesn't even have a front cover any more, which is probably why it was in the basement and not my classroom.  Clearly, this is a book that needs reading! 

Matilda is one of my all time favorite book-loving characters, and I am glad I am finally reading her story the whole way through!

So, what are you reading today?

Sunday, August 23, 2015

2015 Reading Challenge Update!

I am so excited to have passed the 50% point on my reading challenge!!  Reading Gingersnap put me at 25 books, and now finishing Seer of Shadows got me to number 26!

You can see all the books I've read so far if you click the link on the right! -->

One thing I love about this challenge is that it is pushing me to read a bigger variety of books.  Up until recently I was just choosing books I wanted to read and then hoping I could find a category that they fit in.  Now, I'm choosing books specifically because they match something on the list.  And while I have always loved books by Avi (True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle and Something Upstairs were two of my favorite books ever when I was younger), I don't think I ever would have read Seer of Shadows if I hadn't been specifically looking for a thriller or mystery.  

There are some categories that I am having trouble figuring out what to read for them.  I want to stick to mostly books that I can recommend to fourth-sixth graders, but that makes some categories (a classic romance?) harder to plan.  If anyone has any recommendations for any of the categories I still need to read, please leave me a comment!!

Ones I'm finding tricky:

  • a classic romance
  • a book written by someone under 30
  • a book that came out the year you were born (1981, go ahead and do the math)
  • a book with bad reviews
  • a book set during Christmas
  • a book originally written in a different language

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Summer Reading Goal: How's it going?

The goal I set for myself this summer was to read 20 books!  
I knew this was a high goal, and I am still working to get there.  So far this summer I have read... 
Divergent, Insurgent, Blue Moon, Brown Girl Dreaming, A Snicker of Magic, The Crossover, El Deafo, Three Times Lucky, A Handful of Stars, The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls, The Truth About Twinkie Pie, Fish in a Tree, and The Fourteenth Goldfish.

I am really proud of how many books I've read, and really hoping I can squeeze in a few more before school starts in a couple weeks.  The only tricky thing, is that trying to fit in 7 more books is leading me to choose shorter books, which isn't necessarily what I want to do.  That isn't usually how I make decisions about what I will read, and I know two books that I'm really interested in reading are both over 400 pages, which I can't do quickly.

Time to go read! 
How are you doing with your summer goals?

Monday, August 17, 2015

It's Monday! What are you reading?

On this fine, hot, Monday, I am reading The Fourteenth Goldfish.  I am definitely loving it, but I wasn't expecting the Sci-Fi aspect of it.  I didn't know much about it before I started it, so I was expecting a story that focused mostly on a kid and their pet goldfish.  Boy, was I wrong.  I didn't even notice that the fish on the cover was in a beaker, not a fish bowl.  I love when books surprise me!

So, what are you reading?  

Thursday, August 13, 2015

I know it's a seriously good book when...

I finish the whole thing in one day, even though my son totally skipped his nap.  

Fish In A Tree, by Lynda Mullaly Hunt, is a book that everyone should read.  Teachers, students, anyone who has ever felt like they don't quite fit in all the time.  I am so excited that this book was chosen for the Global Read Aloud this year and I can't wait to share it with as many classes as possible at the South!  Ally's struggles to feel smart and fit in make you realize how much perseverance and grit everyone needs to have to be successful and face challenges.  She is truly inspiring, clever, and funny!

Monday, August 10, 2015

It's Monday! What are you reading?

Happy Monday, everyone!

Last week I was away on a family vacation, but I spent my Monday finishing up The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls.  I will admit, it wasn't one of my favorites.  It reminded me too much of other books that I love, but I felt like it was missing something.  However, if you're in the mood for a story that is twisted, dark, and creepy, this one might be right up your alley!

As for today, I am currently reading The Truth About Twinkie Pie, and really enjoying it!  It's about a 12 year old girl, who moves from rural South Carolina to a really fancy part of Long Island.  She is really smart and hard working, so she gets really good grades and goes to a fancy private school.  So far she's fitting in really well, almost too well.  I have a feeling things might get a little more challenging for her in the friend department pretty soon.  

The thing I like best about this book are the recipes.  See, the main character's mom died when she was a baby, so now she lives with her sister.  The only thing they have left from their mom is a notebook full of recipes that their mom hand wrote.  The recipes are mixed into the story and you can really get to know the mom through the funny things she wrote when describing the food.  I think I might have to try to make some of them before I finish this book!
So, what are you reading??