Tuesday, November 3, 2015

What are you reading?

Ok, I seem to have drifted away from blogging, but I'm determined to get back to it! 

I've been very busy, but managing to get some reading done too.  Right now, I'm reading The Cabinet of Wonders by Marie Rutkoski.  It is a fantasy story that takes place in Prague and the surrounding countries.  In the story, a little girl named Petra lives in a small town.  Her father creates mechanical wonders that he instills with magic, including a pet clock-work spider for Petra named Astrophil.  The story starts with her father coming back from building a magical clock for the prince, but in return the prince took something very precious.  I am looking forward to reading more abut the magical creations and find out if Petra has some magic of her own.

What are you reading?  Leave a comment and you could win a free book!